Monday, December 10, 2012

What's the Score?

This was my best image of the day.  I used my new scoring checklist.  It scored 5.5 

10 Point BIF Scoring Checklist
Is there adequate detail.  Noise? Focus? Is the body sharp?

Is the exposure good? Has motion been arrested?  Are the wings sharp

Does lighting enhance the image?

Is the bird in an interesting pose? Are the wings spread?
 Did I make good use of the frame? Is the frame free of distractions?
Does color enhance the image?

Does the background contribute to the image?  Color?  Depth?
 Is this bird a good subject?  Young and beautiful?  Ugly, ragged and missing feathers?  In mating plumage - sexy?
Does the bird look alive and engaged?  Eye sharp? Catchlight?
 Is the bird doing something interesting?  Is it interacting with a mate, offspring, friends, enemies or the environment?

This starling had difficulty eating from the suet feeder.  He tried to fly into and grab a quick bite. You had to be there - my photo doesn't tell the story very well.  I scored it a 5.

10 Point BIF Scoring Checklist
Is there adequate detail.  Noise? Focus? Is the body sharp?

Is the exposure good? Has motion been arrested?  Are the wings sharp

 Not completely
Does lighting enhance the image?

Is the bird in an interesting pose? Are the wings spread?
 Did I make good use of the frame? Is the frame free of distractions?

 Second bird is distracting
Does color enhance the image?

Does the background contribute to the image?  Color?  Depth?
 Is this bird a good subject?  Young and beautiful?  Ugly, ragged and missing feathers?  In mating plumage - sexy?
Does the bird look alive and engaged?  Eye sharp? Catchlight?

 Is the bird doing something interesting?  Is it interacting with a mate, offspring, friends, enemies or the environment?

I've learned something from this checklist already. 

Spray and Pray allowed me to capture actions that occurred faster than I could react.  It provided choices for wing position and pose.

Spray and Pray didn't produce a single image with good lighting or color.  If I want to improve, I'll need to solve those problems.

Overall, focus was a huge problem - My 400mm lens has very little depth of focus.  I need to either find way to increase the depth of focus, change lens to something wider or convince he birds to fly along a path that I'm already focused on.

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